Monday, February 23, 2009

This is an old tree in my back yard. It's so big and has so many limbs twisting and tangling around each other that it almost blocks out the sun.

This is a burnt wall socket but up close it kind of reminds me of a bat. Also the middle part kind of looks like it is getting deeper like a a crater.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


This is a photo looking down my water bottle. I am a health fanatic and always have my 4-5 16.9oz bottles of water a day, but I have never paid attention to what the inside of the bottle looks like. I like how the "ribbing" ecos the circle in the bottom. And the design on the bottom looks like a star.


I was driving home from my parents on highway 77 when I took this picture. I decided it looked better sideways.


I took this picture of the sunset and my phone created a huge glare that almost looks like a huge sun.

Week 5 Observation

This is a photo of my keyboard. I like the way that the close ones are blurry and the distant ones are in focus. This is a good example of what happens when I am bored and tired and have a camera nearby. Sometimes they turn out good, and some times that turn out really bad.

Monday, February 16, 2009


This is a picture of a really old dirty clothes hamper at my parents house. I think it is older than me, I took the picture up close so you cant really tell what it is.


I took this picture driving home down a country road. I like the way the tracks kind of disappear into the horizon.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Once again I was on my four wheeler and thought the sunset looked neat. I was in low spot so the sun is barely shining through the tree.


I was actually riding my four wheeler when I decided to stop and take this picture because I liked the pattern the clouds made but when I was rotating the picture I liked it upside down better. The sky almost looks like water now, reflecting the trees.


This is a close up photo of the fan in the rental house. It is a hideous fan, but when you look closely the weave is actually really beautiful.


This is a photo looking down into my jar of quarters, nickels, and dimes. I like this photo because the jar has leaves on it and their texture contrasts with the coins. Also the flash made it appear like their are some pennies in the bottom left of the circle....but their are none, it is just silver coins.


This is an image looking down into my jar of pennies. I love how one penny really stands out compared to the rest!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Week 4 post

This is a flower from one of my fabric leis that I have in my room. I think it is neat how you can see the indvidual threads that make up the fabric. Blue is one of my fav colors, so that is why i chose this particular flower.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


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Monday, February 9, 2009

where is everyone?

Good job Margie:)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Radical Rug

This is a picture of my rug in my room. The actual color is a bright blue, which reflected the flash in a few areas. Some of the individual fibers reflected the light while others didn't. I really like the look that it created. I didn't plan on the picture looking like this, but I was really suprised and pleased at the way it turned out.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow Prints

The day I took this picture at the lake, there were hundreds of ducks and geese out on the water and walking around on the ice. But this shot of their little footprints was my favorite. Even after all the ducks left, their prints remained.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Double Vision

This is one of my favorite pictures that I have taken. Which one is the real alligator? The double vision of this makes people do double and even triple takes when they look at it. It is suspended, motionless in water and in time, floating along until the right moment when...SNAP! it unges out of the water with amazing force and speed.